Are you in recovery, either AA (Alcoholics Anonymous) or ACA (Adult Children of Alcoholics & Dysfunctional Families)?
Do you need a boost to your recovery?
Are you experiencing challenges with ‘emotional sobriety’ and having setbacks (or relapses) that keep you stuck or trapped in life?
Are you drawn to creative processes like writing, journaling, art-making, music, and movement?
If so, I may be your guide to taking your sobriety and recovery to the next level and enabling you to become the best version of YOU.
My passion is integrating recovery work with the Expressive Arts. I am a licensed therapist and I have been in the field for over 25 years with specialties in trauma work (healing childhood HeART wounds) and addiction treatment. If you are experiencing emotional roadblocks to your recovery, then I may help. There is always hope if you don’t give up.
I offer a 12-week Creative Recovery package in which part of the work will include giving to you Creative Invitations associated with the 12 Steps and various principles, practices, and tools.
The 7 Principles I focus on include the following: One Day at a Time, Evolve or Repeat, Turn it Over (3rd Step), Release & Receive, Unburdening to Travel Lightly & Freely, Acceptance and it’s Transforming Power, and Stand in the way of Beauty to embrace creative JOY.
The 5 Creative Practices integrated into the sessions include the following: Wellness Rhythms & Grace, Simplicity, Healing HeART wounds & self-limiting mindsets, Gratitude, Self-Compassion & Forgiveness, and Cultivating an Inner Promised Land of Creative JOY & Serenity.
The work will include identifying any areas of emotional pain/trauma or unexpressed grief that needs to be processed in order to successfully move forward in your recovery journey. It will also incorporate my clinical offerings in the area of substance abuse related to CBT, mindfulness, and essential Recovery Tools (handouts as resources). I may incorporate the ACA Steps or principles and practices as it relates to trauma work if this is part of your personal story.
Additionally, there is an option to discover SoulCollage®. I am a trained Facilitator and can integrate this powerful creative tool into your package (an Introductory SoulCollage® package would be included). For more information on SoulCollage® see the tab on my Home Page.
Three examples of Creative Arts Recovery invitations are the following: (1). Step 3: ‘God Boxes’ – creating an artful special box using your own colors and personal symbols, slogans, or mantras to decorate it with. This is then used in a ritual around ‘Turning it Over’. (2). Recovery Bridge. The art directive is Complete a bridge depicting where you have been, where you are now, and where you want to be in relation to your recovery. This may be done via drawing (using a variety of mixed media) or in collage. (3). If your addiction were an animal, what animal would it be? Draw or use collage images to depict the animal. How are you and your addiction similar to this animal?
It would be an honor to be your guide to find your path to emotional freedom through CREATIVE RECOVERY and claim the Promise, I am “happy, joyous, and free”.
If this compels your HeART, then take a step of action today by investing in YOU and call for an initial 20-minute phone consult to discuss CREATIVE RECOVERY.