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    “Tell me, what do you plan to do with your one wild and precious life?”
    – Mary Oliver


    One specific expressive arts process that may be incorporated into your therapy work is called SoulCollage®.

    I am a trained SoulCollage® Facilitator.  For more information about SoulCollage® visit the website:  soulcollage.com.

    SoulCollage® is a creative tool for personal growth and transformation.  It involves creating collaged images on 5 x 7 cards that may then be used to extrapolate wisdom for guidance and increased self-awareness.  It provides a launching framework to institute the changes you are wanting to make in your life.  It is considered to be ‘soul-tending’ sacred work.

    A SoulCollage® deck is a celebration of the parts of one’s soul & personality and no two decks are alike.  This intuitive creative collage process allows for new insights and personal empowerment.  It can be a way to improve the communication between your conscious and unconscious mind in order to reveal what needs to be embraced in your transformation journey.

    Seena Frost, a psychotherapist with a passion for creativity, personal growth, and spirituality, is the birthmother of SoulCollage®.  A SoulCollage® deck has Four Suits to include The Committee Suit, The Community Suit, The Companions Suit, and The Council Suit.

    The Committee Suit is that which represents all the inner parts of one’s personality.  The Community Suit are one’s ‘supporters and challengers’; those in one’s social world to include people, pets, or various historical individuals who have made an imprint on one’s soul.  The Companions Suit is related to the seven chakra and animal totems that emerge from a guided meditation.  The Council Suit is all about archetypes that guide one and have influence on one’s being.  A deck of SoulCollage® cards also has three “Transpersonal Cards” – a Source card that symbolizes the One or the Divine, as well as a Witness and a Soul Essence card.

    A SoulCollage® Reading process involves what is called, “I Am One Who” where the person who created the card speaks from the various images addressing and answering this statement (‘I Am One Who….’).  Often the card will have a name or a title.  The reading can then be used for inner wisdom to address a life question or guidance for a particular circumstance.

    I was first introduced to SoulCollage® back in May of 2010 at an art store called University Art in Sacramento, California.  The woman, Margaret Sarantis, a SoulCollage® Facilitator, was offering a mini workshop on SoulCollage®.  I really loved the process and making cards as I’ve always gravitated towards collage art.  The added bonus was that the process interwove ways to heal, grow, and transform through the imagery created and the SoulCollage® Readings.  It is a enlightening and creative process, a way art can be threaded into one’s personal healing journey.

    Discover SoulCollage® as an additional tool to support you in your healing & recovery journey.  Call today to set up an initial 30-minute phone consultation:  925.222.1568.

    “One day you finally knew what you had to do, and began…and there was a new voice which you slowly recognized as your own” – from The Journey by Mary Oliver

    “One day you finally knew what you had to do, and began…and there was a new voice which you slowly recognized as your own.”
    – from The Journey by Mary Oliver